Band Boosters Spring Raffle!!
/Spring Raffle Donations
We are having a spring basket raffle this year and we need your help. Money raised will help the Ross Band Boosters support our middle school and high school bands. The Ross Band Boosters help pay for uniforms, equipment, busing and much more for our band programs. Please consider donating items for our Spring Raffle in order to provide some great baskets to be raffled! Each grade level has a different basket theme that needs donated items. Please sign up for items relating to your child(ren)'s baskets. There are contact people for each grade level as well if you have questions. These people will also be collecting the donated items for their perspective classes. Raffle tickets will be sent home with your students soon. The raffle winners will be announced at Bands in The Round on April 13 (winners need not be present). If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jennifer Krabbe at (513) 659-2119 or
Thank you for all you do to support our band!
Jennifer Krabbe